Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paw-Paw having surgery

We are getting ready to leave to go to the hospital my Dad is having surgery this morning. He found out about three months ago he has prostate cancer. It has not spread and is very likely that this will be all that needs to be done to get rid of it. He is the third person in his family to get this kind of cancer his father had it in his late 50's and then his older brother had it in his early 60's. The doctor has already said that his other brother and any grandchildren will need to be tested and monitored. Please pray it's hard knowing he is the type that has to be on the move all the time and for next two weeks he we be having to take it easy. That's going to be hard.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 2 at the beach

After Daddy fixed us a great breakfast we headed to the beach. Makenna would not go near the water we walked on the beach and she had to be carried. Makenna would only play in the sand and ask us to go get her a bucket of water as needed. After lunch and a good nap we were off to the pool. She loved the lazy river and kiddie pool. There were ducks that would just come right up to the deck and Makenna loved calling them and feeding them she would clap and say come here ducks. Later that night we had ice cream and Makenna got her first cone of chocolate. I'm not sure that she will get chocolate again anytime soon since she stayed up to after midnight.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

First day at Beach

We arrived at the beach around 4:30 on Saturday and unloaded the car. Then we decided to take Makenna to see the ocean. Let's just say we were a little more excited than she was. She went toward the water and when the wave splashed her she was done and wanted to go home. She loved the sand and was very happy to throw it at her brother. Then We went to the grocery store and then came back and rode the golf cart until she fell asleep.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Off to the Beach

On Saturday morning we will be leaving for a week at the beach. We have been talking about going for awhile and Makenna is very curious as to what we are doing she has become very clingy since I took the suitcase out of the closet. I pray that she will feel more comfortable when we get to the beach. Let's go have FUN!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swiming with Erin and Ben

Ben and Erin came over to play at the pool and we had lot's of fun. Kayla loved playing with Makenna and Erin they had a really good time and lot's of laughing.Can't wait until they come to play again.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Makenna

Makenna turned 2 today and we celebrated on Saturday with a party. She had a blast and was so excited when everyone arrived. She received lot's of great gifts and her favorite is a doll and stroller from Paw-Paw and Maw-Maw. She would not even open anymore gifts after she got her doll that she had been wanting. In the morning I was holding her and she held my face with her hands and said Moma Love ya. This was the first time she had said this without me saying it first. This morning she woke up and said happy day and has been saying it all day.

Kenna's new kitchen

We gave Makenna her kitchen for her birthday and she loves it! Everyday she says I love my kitchen and at night she tells it nite-nite. She has been cooking for us and calling everyone on the phone.

Want some watermelon

Our neighborhood had a summer kick off party a few weekends ago and they had Kenna's favorite food watermelon. I had to snap a few pictures she really does get it to it. She was very sticky afterwards.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Doctor visit

seen a We had to take Makenna for a doctor visit she had a real hard time. Thank God that the doctor has adopted children and truly understands and trys his best to make her happy. She screams to the top of lungs just waiting in the office and continues to screams the entire time. I had Dana go with me due to the bloodwork they had to do. The doctor said she has gained six pounds and grew three inches in six months. He was very impressed with her language skills through the screaming you could still hear her saying words. The bloodwork was awful she was so scared that it took two nurses and me and Dana to hold her. The nurses said they have never seeen a child this strong at her age. They were very nice and gave her a bear when they finished one of the nurses had tears in her eyes. Thankfully we don't have to go back for six months. We just had to go get her some ice cream for all the pain she went thru. She really enjoyed that part of the day. Then when we got home she had to have a frezzer pop.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What happens when you have a little sister

This week Josh has been home and unless his door is locked Makenna can get in his room and wake him up. She has been wanting to play with him and was fixing his hair yesterday and she said she needed a bow I gave her one and look at Josh a few minutes later. Josh looked very happy to be wearing a hairbow. She even wanted me to paint his toenails when I did her's this week. Josh said that was a little too much.

Kayla's last day of school

Today is Kayla's last day of 8th grade and she is excited and also sad she loves school and likes having friends to be with all day. I think she will be fine this summer she is finally old enough to go to the pool in our neighborhood without a parent (there is a lifeguard on duty all the time). She sure has changed alot her hair has grown and she has gotten taller. Oh yes I will have two in high school next year. Can't you tell I'm excited.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Last day of school for Josh

Josh has completed 10th grade where does the time go. In the back of my mind I keep thinking I only have two more years until he graduates. That might not be a bad thing after the last couple of years. Josh we are very proud of you!The pictures are from the first day and the last day look how he changed. He don't even wear a hat anymore.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playing and napping at the pool

We have been enjoying our neighborhood pool alot this year.We go all most everyday and our good friends have been going with us. There little girl says were going to the beach as were walking to the pool. Most of the time it feels like the beach and is so relaxing. Today we decided to go early and skip nap time only to have Makenna get real tired and cry to lay down in the stroller and fall asleep. What's better than a nap at the pool.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Playing at the park

We went to the park and met some of our families with chinese children group. It was a beautiful day and really nice to have someone to talk to that have little ones from China. We were the newest family there and everyone was so surpised how great Makenna was doing she would climb and slide and she absolutley loved the swings. I can't wait to have a play date again with these friends.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Potty time

A couple months ago Makenna asked to use the potty and she did! I was talking to the doctor at her checkup and he said not to force it and just let her use the potty when she wanted. A few weeks ago we noticed that she had started asking to go poop on the potty and since then she has not pooped in her diaper at all.