Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Referral two years later

On April 15 we got the call that has changed our lives and our hearts and neither never be the same. I tried getting a pictures of Makenna though she was not in the mood for photos.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I have alot to be Thankful for and I want to give God the glory...

1. I am thankful that God choose Makenna for us today is our referral day!!!

2. I am thankful that Makenna is finally potty trained...

3. I am thankful that my Dads test came back with negative results praise God..

4. I am thankful that my son has not outgrown telling me he loves me without me saying it first...

5. I am thankful I was able to get some releif for my allergies if only lasted for a day...

6. I am thankful that tonight is my launch show for my new Thirty one business and I am excited about all the friends I am going to make through this..

Hope you have a blessed day....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Saying goodbye to the SUV

A few weeks ago we were talking about trading our SUV for a minivan. I decided to try to sell on our own so I listed it on craigs list. Less than a week later it was sold and I was without a vehicle. I have to say when they pulled out of the drive I was very sad to see it go. Now we have our new minivan and I am in Love. Makenna has been saying that she wants to drive the van to China. I wish it was that easy.

Easter egg hunt

On Saturday morning we went to church for an eggg hunt with our friends. The first time Makenna was not that sure about what was going on the second time to hunt her basket was overflowing. We had a great time and wonderful fellowship.