Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I have alot to be Thankful for and I want to give God the glory...

1. I am thankful that God choose Makenna for us today is our referral day!!!

2. I am thankful that Makenna is finally potty trained...

3. I am thankful that my Dads test came back with negative results praise God..

4. I am thankful that my son has not outgrown telling me he loves me without me saying it first...

5. I am thankful I was able to get some releif for my allergies if only lasted for a day...

6. I am thankful that tonight is my launch show for my new Thirty one business and I am excited about all the friends I am going to make through this..

Hope you have a blessed day....

1 comment:

  1. Glad all is that Mckenna wants to "drive" to China, too cute:)
