Thursday, March 26, 2009

Seven things about me

Carey in the car pool lane. tagged me so I have to tell seven things about me and then tag seven others.

There are some rules with this tag

I need to link to the person that tagged me

I need to share 7 things people may not know about me.

I need to tag 7 people to share 7 things and link to them.

I need to let them know they've been tagged.

1. I am addicted to adoption blogs.

2. I am 38 years old.

3. I have been married for 18 years.

4. I love to scrapbook just don't have the time anymore.

5. I love to see special needs children being adopted.

6. My favorite TV channel is HGTV.

7. I would love to go back to China when Makenna is older. Maybe sooner if God calls us to adopt again.

I have to tag seven to tell seven things about them.

Tiffany at junemakessix.

Caroline at lifeonwisteria

Kristi at fireworksandfireflies

Amy at 4ourkiddos

Carrie at thekreuerchronicles

Ashley atalegacyofhope.

Robin at journeytoclarabeth

I have been following most of you for a while and would love to know more about you.


  1. Thanks for playing along! I'm so addicted to adoption blogs...or I guess I should say that I'm a recovering addict. I used to read a lot of gotcha day posts but for my sanity I had to take a break.

  2. Thanks for the tag. I promise I will do it on Saturday as I just posted a Freak Friday Photos of the kids!
    I am also a addict-is this a AA meeting? LOL!
